
The Journals Of A Boy

I have misplaced my "written" journal. Now where could it be?
I'm keeping track really for myself, but if you're inclined to read, do it! These are the simple journal entries that I might forget if I don't write them about my boy.

Juvenile Jargon:

Ear Egg = formally known as an earache.
Gorilla Bar = formally known as granola bar.

Just this morning, my 4 year old wants to sleep instead of getting up for school. He's not even a teen yet. As mothers do, I took the covers off exposing his warm cuddly skin to the harsh a/c temperature of a basement. After failed attempt, I picked him up out of his bed in which he proceeded to smack me on the chest and telling me to put him back in his bed "NOW". Honestly, what child tells their mother "now"? At least I didn't have to resort to the cold bucket of water... After his futile resistance, he conceded and asked for some chocolate milk and watch one of his "shows". Our children don't have any concept of the television prior to the ability to record our favorite shows. If it would have worked in the early 80s, we wouldn't have been stuck watching the President ON EVERY CHANNEL.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

lol that is awesome!